the seeds to self-management

Do you recognise any of the following thought patterns?

  • “I feel guilty about self-care. Isn’t it selfish?”
  • “I don’t deserve to be taken care of.”
  • “Others are a priority. My time will come later.”
  • “I must not disappoint anyone by saying no.”

Self-management is all things self-care, self-concept, self-confidence, self-responsibility. As you will notice they all start with ‘self’ and the thing is, you cannot find them anywhere else, except inside YOU. Engaging in self-awareness is the key to YOUR self-management.

One thing we have learned when it comes to self-care, is to the importance of putting yourself at the top of the list and scheduling some time each day to nurture your needs. We will walk you through giving up the guilt and allowing yourself the time and space to nourish yourself. Together, we are going to map out your own ‘self-care’ time!

An expression we have adopted which we know you’ll get is, “no one else can do your push-ups for you.”

All we want for you is to LOVE looking after you! And if you are like us, you will never look back.

The Seeds to Self-Management

What will you learn?

Seeds to Self Management
  • Self-awareness
  • A better relationship with yourself
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve your mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Enhance relationships with others
  • Increase sense of achievement and productivity

“With the online course, actually hearing from Garth and Susie via video bought a much more personal feel to the program. And the practical worksheets provided me with tools to combat any conflict or crisis I may have been facing. Actively participating taught me that I was in control”

The seeds to self-management

By the end of ‘the Seeds to Self-Management’, you will be on your way to feeling more positive, focussed, more able to achieve your goals and get along better with the people in your life who matter most.

The practices and principles inside this module are not new, but If you do a few of these small actions every day, it has been proven that you will be happier, healthier, and more self-confident.

We Can Help

Our holistic programs are designed to cover every aspect of your life. Please contact us, so we can best meet your needs.
