
We unlock your true value

Take a moment to think about someone in your life you consider a trusted mentor, or coach.

Got someone in mind?

Now… how do you FEEL when you think of that person?

Do you feel supported, valued, and understood?

If you are anything like us, your mentor is a person you like, listen to, and feel a warm connection to when they come to mind. When they offer you caring, genuine, heartfelt advice, you feel the need to follow it.

Does your mentor have these 5 qualities?

  1. They do what they teach
  2. They care about you by showing empathy and listening to understand you
  3. They want to invest in you, and you want to invest in them
  4. They know when to give you the momentum you need
  5. They want you to learn, grow, and be the best version of yourself

If your mentor doesn’t have these 5 qualities, then it’s time to connect with us.

We teach that small incremental steps lead to long term, sustainable and achievable change. 

Susie Russell Wellbeings and Co.

Susie Russell

Susie was elected the School Counsellor in Year 10. Her background includes nursing, hospitality, management, and education. From these career choices it’s crystal clear that Susie loves to help people.

She has been coaching and mentoring formally since 2013, after experiencing her own traumatic divorce years earlier, and the many challenges of juggling life in a blended family. Susie offers support and guidance to people via a range of strategies and coaching processes. While her initial specialist areas were separation, grief, and loss, she has expanded her services to include all aspects of a person’s life. Susie follows a coaching system which allows her clients to lead more peaceful and productive lives.

Susie’s life purpose has been to support and guide people, and her motto is… We are all human beings having a similar experience, with life’s challenges and ups and downs. She also made a commitment many years ago, that she never wanted anyone to go the road alone.

It’s the people she mentors who reinforce her WHY every day.

“I met Susie at a challenging time in my life and was seeking some mentoring and counselling. Susie was a very kind professional and offered sound, practical advice, and an action plan to move forward. Susie can connect and understand another person’s journey, put herself in their shoes and draw upon her own wide exposure of life events to then help her clients. Susie has very high emotional intelligence and that is only complimented by Garth, who shares the same quality. Together they have a genuine interest in helping people to live their best life. Inspiration at its best – thank you for being you Susie and Garth, the world needs more like it.”
Suzi Masson
Garth Russell Wellbeings and Co.

Garth Russell

He was a sensitive little boy growing up on the Northern beaches of Sydney, New South Wales, who woke up every day curious about the world around him. Well, that hasn’t shifted to this day, as he still has a genuine fascination and interest in what makes you, you.

As a professional broadcaster of over three decades, Garth has interviewed thousands upon thousands of people and developed the capacity to listen, and to create a safe environment that allows a person to comfortably share their story.

He uses a powerful, non-judgmental coaching process, which enables people to search for and find their own answers to the challenges they are facing.

A passion for acting also lead him to help people become better communicators and presenters. His clients will often ask to start with something specific such as their presentation skills, then in the course of the work, they will unearth areas of their life that require focused support in order for them to unlock their true value.

You will never find another coach who has this level of emotional intelligence and empathy combined to bring about positive change. He gets you!

“I always admired Garth’s passion, open and caring commutation style and his ability to “hold the room”, whether that was on live radio or in front of a crowd. When I wanted additional support to up-level my media interview and presentation skills, I knew exactly who to call. Garth has been able to not only build my public speaking skills but improve my confidence and most importantly my mindset. unlike other coaches or trainers, Garth just didn’t recite media and presentation tips and tricks, he dug deep to understand where I needed development, what was holding me back and supported me to grow in these areas.”
Angie Francisco

As individual coaches Garth and Susie strike the perfect balance between emotional intelligence and common sense. They listen, they understand, then help others do the same for themselves. They start by building self-belief. From there the strategies and solutions to problems big or small, professional, or personal become clear. The great thing is these solutions come from the participants, so there is a real ownership attached to the outcomes. No one leaves a session with Garth or Susie without a clear way forward.
